Summer Camp

Registration is OPEN!

Crossroads is a summer camp hosted by Rockpoint Community Church for children entering 2nd through 8th grade. Activities planned for Crossroads include arts-&-crafts, sports, games, drama practice, bible lessons, water games and movies. Each week also includes exciting theme days like Mixed-up Mondays, Tournament Tuesdays, Wacky Wednesdays, Team Challenge Thursdays and Fantastically Fluid Fridays.

The camp is not intended as a day care program and therefore is not accredited by the state as one.

Now that we’re almost fully integrated into the 21st century, you will have the tremendous privilege of registering for only the weeks you are in town!

Each week only costs $125, and will be capped at 200 campers. Once a week sells out, option to register will no longer exist for that week.

Please note: there is a small card processing fee when registering online.

That’s only $125 per week!

Crossroads begins with drop off from 9-9:30am with pick up from 2:30-3:00pm.

Do you wish to drop off your camper earlier? Early drop off begins at 8am for only $2 per child, per day! Where else can you pay a sitter $2 per hour?!


In addition to our regular activities, there are some special evening events at Crossroads!  We’ll celebrate together on July 30 with the Carnival Night. I promise this will be a fun night for the whole family, and it’s free! Finally, we’ll end the Crossroads summer with our annual Crossroads Drama Production! Friends and family are welcome and encouraged to attend our evening events. These are nights you won’t want to miss!

Please complete the registration and release forms, and submit them online. We plan to correspond regularly with updates via email.  Also, check for updates here on our website.

2025 Registration

Health Release Form

Kid Check Profile

Lunch Forms (TBD)

Counselor Application

Counselor in Training Application

Would you like financial assistance?
Signup here for our Crossroads Newsletter
Make a Payment!

Any questions? Contact the Executive Director

[email protected]